Saturday, June 27, 2009

Yoga for Spiders

In yoga we are taught the value of observing our thoughts and noticing how they make us feel and act. We begin to realise how we take these thoughts to be more than just mind stuff; we believe them to be a true representation of reality. Taking the time to observe our thoughts and thereby allowing some time between a thought and an action is one of yoga's most wonderful gifts, one that brings positive changes to our relationships as we learn to listen closely, communicate calmly and consider our responses to other instead of flying off the handle.

This saved the life of a spider today.

As I sat in my bedroom checking my emails I noticed a little black ball on the carpet. On closer inspection I realised it was a spider. Being moderately arachnophobic I have learned to live with these minibeasts in a relatively non-violent way. Meaning, if there is one in my bedroom, I sleep downstairs. Tonight however my reaction to the sight of eight unexpected legs invading my personal space made me look for the closest heavy implement suitable for squashing the intruder.

But I stopped myself. I got down on the floor and took a closer look at him. Dark brown, kind of pointy looking. Unpleasant. I googled "Australian spiders" and found that he wasn't the white-tail or wolf spider I had been expecting; it was just a common black house spider. I got back down on the floor and put a small box near the spider, thinking maybe I could carry him outside. As I watched, it tentatively crawled into the box and kind of huddled in the corner in a protective way. Do you know what it reminded me of? Me. You. Anyone trying to protect themselves in an unfamiliar and possibly threatening environment.

And thus, through taking a moment to consider my actions before thumping the spider, I was able to recognise that common energy which runs through all things, spiders included! The importance of ahimsa has been reaffirmed for me today.

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