Saturday, July 25, 2009

And the truth is....

It is not any deep, life-altering yogic truth that I am going to write about. It is a truth about myself, that although isn't particularly harmful, is darn ANNOYING.

I AM A PROCRASTINATOR. There, I said it. Big deal, I hear you say. And you're right, it's not a big deal, and I suspect most of us are guilty of procrastinating at one time or another. I find, though, that I don't just procrastinate when faced with boring or difficult tasks. I also faff about before doing something I have been looking forward to. I have been looking forward to spending time today, Sunday morning, to writed a journal entry for my yoga journal (a requirement for my teacher training course). I blocked out the time in my diary so I wouldn't have any distractions. And this is what I've done just this morning instead of getting stuck into writing:

* walked for an hour (good for physical and mental health, but still procrastinating)
* asana practice
* a load of washing
* called my sister
* opened and read Friday's mail, that I didn't open Friday because it seemed too boring then
* read a yoga newsletter
* tried to remove a light bulb that is stuck
* made several cups of coffee ('I'm going to start writing as soon as I've had this')
* checked several 'important' websites like Facebook and yoga blogs
* and now, blogging on my own blog

I now have 45 minutes left to complete a journal entry, as I'm busy this afternoon. And I'm sure when I speak to my friends later I will be complaining about how 'I've got no time for anything' and 'My yoga course takes up SOOOO much time'.

Gotta get out of this habit!


  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog. What style of yoga is your teacher training?

  2. Hey Bee - don't be too hard on yourself! We all put things off - sometimes the things we are most looking forward to (funny creatures, we humans!). Just breathe and try again next time. Progress is a day-by-day year-by-year thing. So take it easy - you have time to change. :)

  3. Hi Grace. My yoga teacher training is in the Classical style, so lots of meditation and a big focus on Patanjali's yoga sutras. Asana features highly too, but I think Classical yoga is more meditation-heavy than some other styles.

    La Gitane, yes you're right...And the truth is everything gets done in the end, no matter what!
