Saturday, August 15, 2009

Opening Doors

I just came across "Wishcasting Wednesday" which asks:

What door do you wish to open?

Right now many doors are open for me; almost all of them in fact. Now I wish to open the door to my higher self, to the one who knows that I will be ok, who knows that everything I have done up until now has led me to this position, and it is where I should be. I want to open the door to faith and a belief that I will make the right decisions, that I will choose my future based on what I need for myself not what makes sense to other people. I want to open the door to the self who is open, not fearful, who helps others rather than always protecting herself, who knows the universe has enough for everyone and doesn't have to fight to get what she wants. The door is open and I'll be there to greet whatever comes through it, with a smile.

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